About Me

I’m a full-time freelancer specializing in Google Sheets, Google Apps Script, and business automation. I started freelancing in 2017.

The story of my relationship with spreadsheets will be told in a future post. Suffice it to say, through several jobs and mentors, I built up my skills and now have the enviable job of helping people streamline and automate their workflows. There’s something about this type of problem solving that fascinates me.

When I quit my last “normal” job, I was invited to be the subject of the inaugural season of the My Freelance Life podcast. We discussed what it’s like transitioning from a standard job to freelancing and all the joys and difficulties that come with it.

Of course, my life isn’t all about spreadsheets. Aside from that, I enjoy exploring new places, listening to and making music, going for walks, photography, and eating at Chipotle.

Send me a message and say hello!